Professional Pay-Per-Click
Advertising Services

Quite possibly, the best PPC management agency around

Promote Your Business Online with
Google & Bing

Pay to Advertise on
Search Engines

As a PPC agency we help our clients advertise their businesses on the first page of Google and Bing. When consumers search online for our client’s products or services, the first thing they see, is our client’s ad relating to their search query. Once the consumer clicks on the ad, they are directed to our client’s website so they can make a enquiry direct with our client.

Pay to Advertise on
Search Engines

As a PPC agency we help our clients advertise their businesses on the first page of Google and Bing. When consumers search online for our client’s products or services, the first thing they see, is our client’s ad relating to their search query. Once the consumer clicks on the ad, they are directed to our client’s website so they can make a enquiry direct with our client.

Boost Sales with PPC Advertising

As Google accounts for 90% of all online search activity in the UK, there is enormous marketing potential to reach consumers who are searching for your products by advertising on Google. With our PPC service, we can help you find new customers and grow revenue using Google Ads.


Increase leads & sales

PPC marketing produces high quality leads which consistently convert to sales. The consumers we target are already searching the internet for your services. We simply alert them to your offer and guide them to your site to make an enquiry.


Increase leads & sales

PPC marketing produces high quality leads which consistently convert to sales. The consumers we target are already searching the internet for your services. We simply alert them to your offer and guide them to your site to make an enquiry.


Get more phone calls

Do you want more inbound sales calls? That’s easy with PPC advertising as we can link the calls you receive to specific keywords. This data can then be used to bid higher on keywords that delivery calls vs the ones that just deliver clicks.


Get more phone calls

Do you want more inbound sales calls? That’s easy with PPC advertising as we can link the calls you receive to specific keywords. This data can then be used to bid higher on keywords that delivery calls vs the ones that just deliver clicks.


Drive website visits

If you want to increase brand awareness or you intend to run any type of online campaign, then you will require traffic to your site. With PPC advertising, you can instantly drive more visitors to your website which will achieve the exposure you require.


Drive website visits

If you want to increase brand awareness or you intend to run any type of online campaign, then you will require traffic to your site. With PPC advertising, you can instantly drive more visitors to your website which will achieve the exposure you require.


Measure your success

Our team of data crunchers love PPC advertising as there are so many trackable metrics which can be optimised to improve performance. With PPC you get a clear picture of where you are spending and how much return on investment you are seeing.


Measure your success

Our team of data crunchers love PPC advertising as there are so many trackable metrics which can be optimised to improve performance. With PPC you get a clear picture of where you are spending and how much return on investment you are seeing.

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is an online advertising model which charges advertisers a fee each time a consumer clicks on their advert. The model is used by search engines such as Google and Bing but also with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Google Ads essentially works by paying Google for your ad to be displayed on the top of a search page when consumers search for the same services your business offers. Each time a user clicks on your ad, you pay Google a predetermined cost per click.

The beauty of PPC is that you only pay when you actually receive clicks, or in other words visitors to your website. For this reason, PPC can be one of the most cost-effective online marketing channels for any business.

Our Services

We take the stress out of setting up and managing a PPC campaign. As learned PPC experts, Digital Squad know Google Ads, and we know how to increase traffic to your website so you get the customers you want. Our PPC adverts will drive the right consumers to your business, resulting in greater leads and sales.

Campaign Setup

Our in-house team of Google
Ads experts create amazing pay-per-click campaigns that deliver on three aspects of quality score; ad relevance, landing page relevance and expected click through rate. Our goal is to have a superior click through rate than Google recommends.

Keyword Research

The objective of keyword research is to only target the most relevant searches and choose the best match type as this reduces wasted spend. We will analyse your products and services, your marketplace and your advertising goals to identify the most appropriate keywords for your campaign.

Writing Ads

Our copywriters produce enticing ads which resonate with audiences and clearly define our client’s services. This ensures; cheaper click prices, an increased click through rate and higher-quality traffic. We combine great ad copy with appealing ad extensions to achieve a lower conversion cost.

Bid Management

Even as Google is moving toward automation, we still use a manual bidding process when launching campaigns. This ensures keywords are reviewed by our team who can better identify wasted spend better than any algorithm. Then over time we transition to automated bidding strategies.

Traffic Analysis

We continually optimise campaigns by analysing traffic data using a combination of Google Analytics and Hotjar. This gives us valuable insights into the behaviour of website visitors and how they interact with the site. By understanding the customer journey, we can improve conversions.

Campaign Testing

Improving PPC performance is key to achieving the best ROI possible. Our team take a conversion focussed approach to optimisation, this involves testing new ads, keyword variations and landing page layouts. These changes result in more leads and more sales for our clients.


Set Up & Monthly Management

Account Set Up

One Off Fee

  • Campaign Strategy
  • Keyword Research
  • Ad Writing & Creation
  • Location Targeting
  • Ad Extensions
  • Conversion Tracking


Max Ad Spend
£3500 Per Month

  • Dedicated Manager
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Negative Keywords
  • Bid Adjustments
  • Retarget Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting


Max Ad Spend
£7000 Per Month

  • Dedicated Manager
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Negative Keywords
  • Bid Adjustments
  • Retarget Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting

Big Budget

Max Ad Spend
£15000 Per Month

  • Dedicated Manager
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Negative Keywords
  • Bid Adjustments
  • Retarget Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting

You’re one step closer to
generating more leads


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    Case Studies

    Check Out The Results

    Beauty Salon

    • £14.52 per lead average
    • 57 leads per month
    • 13.67% conversion rate
    • Customer since April ’21

    Debt & IVA

    • £14.52 per lead average
    • 57 leads per month
    • 13.67% conversion rate
    • Customer since April ’21

    National Charity

    • £22.17 per lead average
    • 42 leads per month
    • 14.93% conversion rate
    • Customer since Jan ’22


    • £10.80 per lead average
    • 91 leads a month
    • 16.74% conversion rate
    • Customer since Sept ’21

    A Transparent Approach to PPC Marketing

    With an abundance of PPC agencies in the market, we understand that Data Rocks has to offer unique and better services if we want to stand out from our competitors.

    Proven PPC

    Since 2015, we have been helping
    businesses nationwide gain online
    exposure and increase revenues
    though PPC advertising.

    No Long Term

    We want clients to work with us
    because of results not by contract obligations. Our rolling monthly
    contracts can be paused anytime.

    Monthly Reporting

    What you see is what you get. Each month you will receive a report detailing the performance of your campaign for you to review.


    Results Oriented

    We are all about results. We achieve success through a data-driven analytical approach to PPC advertising ensuring fantastic ROI.

    Full Scale
    Digital Agency

    As an all-encompassing marketing agency. We combine PPC with SEO, social media and web design for best results and performance.


    We strive to be the best PPC agency we can possibly be, however, if any issues arise, our friendly staff are always here to help.

    Detailed Monthly Reporting

    One of the best aspects to PPC advertising is how measurable it is. There are hundreds of metrics which we track each month on any one campaign. We then use this data to optimise and improve performance. But how do you, the client, know what we are doing?

    Each month we will produce a simplified report on the pay-per-click activities of your campaigns. We collate all the key metrics such as revenue, conversions, impression share, keyword cost amongst others and provide an easy to understand summary so you know exactly how we’re performing and what our recommendations are going forward.

    You will be assigned with your own dedicated PPC specialist who will explain findings and discuss suggestions to help you make management decisions to achieve the best ROI possible.

    Detailed Monthly Reporting

    One of the best aspects to PPC advertising is how measurable it is. There are hundreds of metrics which we track each month on any one campaign. We then use this data to optimise and improve performance. But how do you, the client, know what we are doing?

    Each month we will produce a simplified report on the pay-per-click activities of your campaigns. We collate all the key metrics such as revenue, conversions, impression share, keyword cost amongst others and provide an easy to understand summary so you know exactly how we’re performing and what our recommendations are going forward.

    You will be assigned with your own dedicated PPC specialist who will explain findings and discuss suggestions to help you make management decisions to achieve the best ROI possible.


    Clients Love Our Work

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are your services?

    We provide fully manged PPC services. We can help setup a new account or take over the management of an existing account. We also offer training to clients so they can better understand PPC advertising themselves.

    What is pay-per-click advertising?

    Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a form of internet advertising offered by search engines such as Google and Bing. These platforms allow advertisers to display their ads to consumers when the consumer is searching the internet for specific products or services. For example, if a consumer searched Google for ‘emergency plumber near me’ then this set of keywords would be ideal for a plumber to advertise their services to. If the plumber’s ad is clicked on, the consumer is directed to the plumber’s website to make a direct enquiry, after which the plumber would then pay Google a fee, hence the name pay-per-click.

    What are the benefits of PPC ads?

    Put simply, PPC ads generate more leads and more sales. They provide instant website traffic, offer multi-layered targeting options and allow for retargeting. The lead quality of PPC leads is excellent which makes them easier to close and saves a lot of time when following up enquiries.

    Do you only offer Google PPC services?

    Not at all. We’re experts with Bing, Facebook, and other social media channels. However, Google is the most popular search engine so our clients prefer us to advertise here.

    Will Google Ads work for my business?

    Absolutely! Data Rocks can generate leads for any sector. We consistently see very high ROI from Google Ads and it’s a proven marketing tool for many businesses. Plus, in those rare instances where Google Ads isn’t suitable for a product or service, we’ll tell immediately.

    How long does it take to see results?

    After a campaign is setup and has gone live, typically we’ll see traffic to the site within the first hour. Then depending on the type of campaign and sector we’re advertising in, this will determine when leads generated or sales are made. Usually most clients see results on the first day.

    How much will it cost to get results?

    Once we understand your goals and the marketing service you require, the answer will be learned from a combination of conversion volume, cost per conversion, and the ROI you expect. For example, if you want 20 conversions per day and the average cost per conversion is £10, then your ad spend would need to be £200 per day.

    What are your services?

    We provide fully manged PPC services. We can help setup a new account or take over the management of an existing account. We also offer training to clients so they can better understand PPC advertising themselves.

    Is there a setup fee?

    Yes. Our one-time set up fee of £600 +VAT includes; campaign strategy, keyword research and analysis, ad creation and development, geo-targeting and location exclusions, ad extensions and sitelinks, and conversion tracking. This is everything you’ll require to start a campaign.

    How much do you charge?

    Our management fee is tiered depending on monthly ad spend, as can be seen in our pricing index. We’ve found fixed fees work best. Unlike other agencies, we don’t charge a percentage of ad spend. Our goal is to make your campaign a success, we’re not motivated to unnecessarily increase spend.

    Is there a minimum contract?

    No. We don’t believe in locking in clients to long-term contracts. If you want to take advantage of seasonal changes, then you can switch on and off as demand and supply dictates. We operate on monthly rolling contracts. If you intend to pause a campaign, you’d just need to inform us before the start of a new month so our team doesn’t begin new work.

    How many hours will you put in?

    This is determined by your goals and the marketing services you need help with. Once we understand these, we can give you a timeline. If your goals are more aggressive than average or there are multiple marketing services to be worked on at the same time, then more hours will be needed. Ultimately, we’ll put in as many hours required to make your campaign a success.

    Will I get a performance report?

    Yes, we send each client a monthly status report containing a summary of the previous month’s campaign performance. The report will include metrics which are relevant to your business goals, these include conversion stats, keyword analysis, market share and demographics amongst others.

    Is PPC better than SEO?

    Typically, PPC will produce results faster in the short-term but in the long-term SEO tends to be more cost effective. We don’t rank one above the other as they both serve specific purposes. In many instances we recommend clients implement both PPC and SEO into their marketing strategy.

    Why do I need PPC management?

    There is a lot to understand about Google Ads and Bing Ads, especially as these platforms continually develop. If you don’t have experience in PPC advertising, it can be very easy to make errors and waste spend. The purpose of using PPC marketing professionals is to save time and money so you focus on other areas of your business.

    Who are Data Rocks?

    Data Rocks is a full-service PPC agency. Our in-house team of PPC experts are experienced, certified and talented individuals, who are passionate about pay-per-click marketing.

    Book Your 100% Free PPC Audit Review Today!
    Our PPC Experts Will Show You How to Get
    Better Results with Google Ads